The title for this posting could just as easily have been “Winecast! Winecast! Winecast!” Tim Elliott, author and editor-at-large at Winecast will be our host for both the next edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday and the upcoming meeting of the Wine Book Club.Entries are due for the 45th rendition of Wine Blogging Wednesday on, yep, Wednesday, May 7, 2008. Tim’s topic of choice is his self-proclaimed favorite white variety: Riesling. We’re not to write about just any old Riesling, though. Selections should be limited to the traditional, old world seats of Riesling in Germany, Austria and Alsace (France), with northern Italy thrown in for good measure and, I suspect, as a challenge for those who choose to seek out the intentionally obscure. In all fairness, Lyle Fass of Rockss and Fruit should really be hosting this topic as, to my knowledge, there’s not another blogger who writes more about Riesling – mostly of German origin – than does he. But c’est la vie, I suppose it was Tim’s turn. In honor of the topic, I figured it would be only appropriate to taste the concentrated and deliciously slate, orange peel and apricot laced 2006 Steeger St. Jost Riesling Kabinett halbtrocken from Weingut Ratzenberger while writing up this little announcement.
Tim will have plenty of warm-up for his WBW event, as he’s also hosting the second meeting of the Wine Book Club. Your write-ups regarding Noble Rot, by William Echikson, are due just over two weeks from today, on Tuesday, April 29. I can’t complain here, as I played host for the Club’s inaugural meeting back in January, when we all read and reviewed Vino Italiano by David Lynch and Joe Bastianich. This month’s read is a little less daunting; however, I can say from plenty of experience that the deadline will sneak up fast. So get reading. It would be great to see as many participants (25) as we had for the first go ‘round.
Related reading:
I am way too disorganized to host a WBW, But Riesling sounds great and I have just the wine to open. When is it? May 7th? Is that right? Hell, maybe I'll do two.
And BTW The Wines of Germany by Stephen Brook is the best book on German Riesling I have read. Stuart Piggot has some great ones but they are hard to get and not translated I believe.
Why is the Brook book so expensive? $100? What?
Yo Lyle,
In your stead, I would love to have hosted this one. And yes, it's May 7th. I imagine I'll do at least two as well.
I love the Brook book as well. As to the pricing, it seems to be common with the whole Mitchell Beazley series. The books go through one printing, often just in hardback (though the Brook made it to paperback), then go out of print. Used booksellers then snatch up copies and ask outrageous prices for them. I'll still throw the Amazon links up in hopes that a seller will pop in with a cheaper price and, of course, to provide a shopping outlet for those desperate knowledge seeking souls for whom price is no object.
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